Feasibility studies are investigations of a project's sustainability and the results of those investigations, frequently performed in the early phases of a project's timetable to get technical advice or insights. A feasibility study may change a project's design or even consider it to be unfeasible. However, it typically emphasizes relevant technical and business factors that guide design, planning, and commissioning.

The subject of study could be:

  • - Examining the efficiency of various financial choices and the energy market
  • - Estimates of costs and financial modeling
  • - Technological suggestions
  • - Analysis of the surroundings and civil works
  • - Grid/load connection, array size analysis, and technical sustainability
  • - Battery options and size
  • - Standards for compliance, including DA
  • - Environmental implications
  • - Social and community authorization to act
  • - Traditional owner collaboration

When exactly would I start the study?

Any feasibility study must be started as soon as possible because its goal is to protect against the loss of sunk costs. These studies should cover technological, social, and financial concerns and pitfalls in order to determine the best course of action.

What kind of projects often require a feasibility study?

Any large-scale solar system for a business or utility demands a considerable investment. Project evaluation demands that every element of such an investment be comprehended and evaluated.

For more details on feasibility assessments and their significance for your plans for solar PV plants, Contact Us.