Check Your Rebate

Switching To Renewable Energy?

You are in the proper location. Verify your eligibility for a government rebate here.

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    Current Solar Incentives, Check Your Rebate, Subsidies, Loans & Offers

    Target for Renewable Energy by the Federal Government

    The Australian government's Renewable Energy Target is a programme intended to lower greenhouse gas emissions in the power sector and promote the production of electricity from sustainable and renewable sources.

    The Small-scale (STCs) and Large-scale (LGCs) Renewable Energy Schemes are in charge of managing these incentives. The small-scale programme, which offers an upfront discount on the price of a solar installation, covers residential solar installations.

    Check Your Rebate
    Check Your Rebate
    Check Your Rebate

    Government of Victoria, Solar Homes Program

    Through the Solar Homes programme, "Victorians are taking control of their energy expenses, creating jobs, combating climate change, and building a cleaner, brighter future for all Victorians."

    The programme offers solar panel rebates, interest-free loans, solar battery rebates, and solar for rental properties to qualifying households.

    Check Your Rebate
    Programme for virtual power plants (VPP)

    In order to generate and distribute energy, lower energy costs, and lessen reliance on the grid, we are connecting Victorian households.

    Rebates in the Virtual Power Plant pilot program remaining:


    With the use of solar panels and batteries, the Solar Victoria Virtual Power Plant (VPP) pilot programme will connect Victorian homes and help consumers save money on their energy bills.

    The Check Your Rebate service was only available until June 30, 2022, but the VPP trial programme will run for the next two years.

    Start your investigation right away if you plan to apply for a rebate. Below, as well as on our Solar Hub Page, you can discover additional details about VPPs and how they operate.

    About the program

    In a first for Victoria, Solar Victoria is making it simpler for Victorians to join a Virtual Power Plant, giving them a revolutionary opportunity to contribute to supplying our energy future. We are extending the Virtual Power Plant Program option under the Solar Homes solar battery rebate. Solar battery systems can share electricity over a variety of networks that are provided by virtual power plants, or VPPs.

    To help you power up your panels and put you in control of how you and other Victorians manage your power, these networks provide customised solutions with a variety of advantages and programme structures.

    For qualified Victorians who enrol in a VPP programme, the VPP pilot programme gives increased solar battery rebates at a fixed rate of $4,174 toward the initial cost of a solar battery and installation.

    You will then be on the road to lower energy costs, payments for the use of your energy reserves, and improved grid resilience.

    The VPP Pilot contains all the safety and consumer protections of the established programmes because it is an extension of the Solar Homes programme that is currently in place.

    About VPPs

    A VPP is a smarter, more environmentally friendly way to manage energy and allows qualified Victorian families the ability to jointly produce, share, and manage power. When enough homes own batteries, they can be connected via smart technology to create a new, valuable resource that maximises the usage of your solar system and battery. As Victorians collaborate and improve the environment in their own areas, VPPs expand the use of renewable energy in our daily lives.

    The battery stores the surplus solar energy. This extra power can be sent into the VPP network during peak times to relieve stress and create a more dependable network when there is a high demand for electricity. As a result, you and your neighbourhood will experience fewer interruptions, more consistent services, and eventually cheaper power.

    You may lower your carbon impact, save money, and be a part of a community that helps ensure a steady supply of energy for you and your household.

    Solar Victoria selected programmes that each offer a separate Virtual Power Plant network through a thorough expression of interest procedure. The viability of these approved VPP programmes was assessed, along with their capacity to boost energy affordability for participating homes and their emphasis on robust consumer protections.

    Households are assured benefits, and there are restrictions against deceptive sales pitches, contracts, and the exploitation of obtained data. If you decide to leave the programme early, you will also have a minimum ten-day cooling-off period and explicitly stated departure fees.

    To determine which programme offers the features that best suit your home and maximises the benefits you desire, examine the approved VPP programmes.

    You may get a complete list of the features of approved VPP programmes here.

    Am I eligible?

    Households must meet the following requirements in order to be eligible for this program:

    • The property is planning to install a solar PV panel with a capacity of at least 5kW in conjunction with the solar battery installation, or already has one installed.
    • To safely connect a battery to the grid, pre-approval is necessary from your Distributed Network Service Provider (DNSP).
    • The property has no existing energy storage system, and the energy storage option is on Solar Victoria’s list of permitted batteries.
    • They possess the property where the system will be placed as the owner-occupant.
    • Less than $180,000 is the annual aggregate household taxable income of all owners (based on your Australian Tax Office Notice of Assessment)
    • It is an existing property with current council rates that notice a value of less than $3 million.
    • They are not owner-occupiers who have already earned a subsidy from the Solar Homes Program.
    • The address of the property has never participated in the Solar Homes Program.
    • In order to maximize the benefits households obtain from their batteries, the owner(s) consents to hear from their Distribution Network Service Provider about participating in battery studies.

    Once you are sure your household satisfies the requirements, you may begin looking for a certified VPP supplier like us who is a part of the Program and can supply your energy needs. You must determine whether you meet the eligibility requirements for each program, as each will have its own.

    How to apply

    The following frequently asked questions should be read before you begin your application.

    There are various VPPs using batteries on the market in Victoria that qualify for the Virtual Power Plant Pilot Rebate. Below is a list of our VPP Programs that have been authorized.

    Once you’ve determined which VPP program is best for you and your family, get in touch with the approved VPP provider (you can check the list on the government portal.)

    Check Your Rebate
    How does a Virtual Power Plant work?

    Virtual Power Plants (VPP), also referred to as battery aggregation or energy sharing, are the next step for solar energy.

    A Virtual Power Plant (VPP) is what?

    A network of discrete distributed energy resources, such as solar PV and batteries, that are dispersed throughout the world is known as a virtual power plant (VPP). These systems might subsequently be able to engage in trading in the power market and offer network services and grid support through aggregation in a VPP.

    VPPs for this pilot are chosen in what manner?

    To participate in this programme, VPPs must fulfil a number of eligibility requirements. They must also operate in Victoria, offer a programme that is commercially viable, guarantee consumer price certainty for at least a year, and be able to show advantages to participating households. Additionally, they must install systems from Solar Victoria’s approved product list and consent to its consumer protections, which include pricing certainty and customer help.

    What Are The Advantages Of Enrolling In A Victoria VPP Program That Has Been Approved By Solar?

    For qualified Victorians who enrol in a VPP programme, the VPP pilot programme gives increased solar battery rebates at a fixed rate of $4,174 toward the initial cost of a solar battery and installation.

    By reducing the cost of wholesale electricity, the cost of ancillary services, and by providing network assistance, participating in an approved VPP programme may increase the income received by battery owners and lower the cost of electricity for all customers.

    The VPP Pilot is supported by Solar Victoria’s experience in risk management and customer service, and it provides reassurance that participants are in a government-approved programme. Approved VPP programmes must include consumer protections, cooling off periods, upfront disclosure of any applicable exit fees, data rights and usage, and a requirement that you join with your express, informed consent. Additionally, they must keep track of any comments, grievances, and solutions made, and report on them.

    What is the duration of the pilot programme?

    Through December 31, 2024, the Solar Victoria VPP Pilot Program will be in effect. This includes assessing the advantages and results of the programmes. Many of the VPP Projects that have been approved offer contracts and participation after this time has passed. This VPP Pilot Program has been created to make sure that clients won’t suffer if they decide it’s not for them. For instance, you won’t be required to pay your VPP supplier any exit or cancellation costs if you decide to end your VPP project before the contract expires.

    A VPP Capable Battery: What Is It?

    Batteries must be on Solar Victoria’s approved battery list, which includes energy storage options that are “Virtual Power Plant (VPP) capable” and have technical specifications that meet the requirements of the National Electricity Market VPP Demonstration Program of the Australian Energy Market Operators. The performance, safety, internet accessibility, security, and remote registration, monitoring, and control of these systems, which are on the Clean Energy Council’s list of approved energy storage devices, have all been evaluated. This enables batteries to offer network support services, take part in virtual power plants, and/or future distributed energy resource marketplaces.

    Do I Get Paid For The Power If It's Going To A VPP? Does the feed-in tariff exist?

    Depending on the VPP service you’re using, you can get paid for the energy your battery stores or you might get a break on your electricity bills. Every programme specifies how and when you will be paid as well as how often and how much energy will be distributed throughout the year, so you will be aware of how this works when you sign up for the programme. Using this information will help you select the best programme for your needs.

    Can I Give My Neighbor Access To My Power?

    The VPP’s nature will determine this. Some VPPs are located geographically, while others cover the entire state of Victoria.

    How Can I Use A Battery To Become An Off-Grid User?

    The programme excludes installations that are off the grid.

    What Does A Battery That Is VPP Ready Mean?

    The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) has established a list of technological requirements for battery systems that are “VPP ready,” including the following: the ability to respond to remote requests to charge or discharge the battery (for example, requests to charge the battery during peak solar photovoltaic [PV] export time); the ability to communicate state of charge, voltage, and measure power flow at battery terminals (for example, the ability to communicate to the AEMO on battery charge level to assist forecasting); and the ability to measure power (e.g. advanced ride through settings to support system security in the event of unscheduled outages).

    What Takes Place To My Battery When The VPP Program Is Over?

    Your battery is retained. It can then serve as a typical solar energy storage device alongside your solar panels.

    Possibly leaving the VPP

    When researching VPP programmes, you should take into account that the six approved VPP programmes have various minimum contract lengths and exit fees. On the page for the VPP Program, there are specifics about the exit fees and contract lengths.

    Can I Still Use My Battery If There Is No Power?

    If you decide to use your battery during a power outage, the battery capacity needed may vary depending on a number of factors, such as the size of your solar system, your daily and seasonal electricity use, and the energy needs of any equipment you want to use.

    What Can I Learn About Solar Batteries?

    For additional details on how solar battery systems operate and how to plan a system, read our Buyer’s guide.

    Because joining a virtual power plant is a significant undertaking and every household uses electricity differently, we advise you to conduct your own independent research as well. You should also consider the possibility that your energy use will change throughout the course of the contract, for instance, if you decide to buy an electric car.

    Can I Still Participate In The VPP Pilot If I Already Have A Solar Battery?

    The purpose of the VPP Pilot is to assist households in installing solar batteries (or solar panels and batteries) so they can participate in a VPP programme that has been approved. We advise contacting a VPP provider if you already own a battery to find out if it qualifies for their programme. However, if you already own a battery and decide to enrol in a VPP programme, you might not be eligible for all of the advantages and protections provided by the VPP Pilot.

    What Takes Place If There Is A Conflict Or If Something Goes Wrong?

    Each programme must have a distinct dispute resolution procedure in order to apply to be a VPP provider that has been approved. To remedy any problems, you must first speak with the VPP provider. However, if a problem cannot be fixed, Solar Victoria’s customer support staff will give consumers advice and suggestions for what to do next.

    On Solar Victoria’s Consumer Protection page, you may find additional information about how to educate yourself as well as other helpful facts.